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5 compartment, third class 4-wheel coach in O gauge / 7mm scale.


This pack contains detailed cast resin parts that glue together to enable a quick assembly of the basic coach body and chassis. Included are a pair of detailed sides and ends, pre-formed styrene roof section and underframe castings.

This model depicts an ex Metropolitan Railway 4 wheel full third, following sale second-hand to an independent light railway. 

​These jubilee coaches were withdrawn from service with the advent of electrification on the Metropolitan lines. A number were recovered from the scrap line and pressed back into service with minor refurbishment which seems to have included panelling over the upper top light windows. Withdrawn again in 1912, a few were sold on to the Llanelly and Mynydd Mawr railway in 1913 for use in colliers trains. After being absorbed by the GWR, the coaches were sent to Swindon for scrapping where they were recorded by the works photographer. It is one of these photographs that provided the inspiration for the model.


My Coachbuilder packs aim to offer something partway between scratch building and kit building, giving the builder a good head start in construction by taking out much of the fiddly cutting work in producing wood panelled coaches. If you enjoy building your own rolling stock, don’t mind a bit of work and maybe have a good spares box, this should be both quicker than scratch building and an economical alternative to the conventional kits. The parts assemble rapidly with superglue or general purpose adhesive, just requiring the builder to provide a simple floor and partitions, which can be easily made from thick plasticard. External detailing on the display model was carried out using commercially available buffers and door handles, with grab handles simply formed from small staples. Steps were scratch built. The pack includes a generic 4 wheel underframe.


The photographs show the parts you will receive, plus images of a sample build to illustrate what a completed model could look like. To avoid confusion, please note that the locomotive and scenery shown in some photographs are not part of the sale.

Metropolitan Railway 5 Compartment 3rd (4 wheel) (OG04B)

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