This kit features embossed concrete effect sides and ends, one piece cast roof and separate chimney. Also included are a cast resin window frame, glazing and stiff card for the base and internal supports
Concrete buildings gained popularity from the 1930's with advancements in reinforced concrete technology. Sectional concrete buildings were developed by private concrete companies, employing a modular system of cast uprights with concrete infill panels allowing flexibility in shape and size to suit a particular requirement or site. The main railway companies of the time were quick to seize on the new material, creating their own now familiar in house designs. However, just as commonplace were the concrete buildings erected by private businesses adjacent to the lineside or on rented land in goods yards, for example engineering companies, oil depots or haulage yards. They were also extensively used in mining and quarrying operations and were a familiar feature of military depots. This kit has been designed to represent the typical features of a small sectional concrete hut, perhaps used as an office, mess room or gate house.
The model builds very quickly with superglue or similar adhesive in to a sturdy basic structure which could be used as it is on the layout, or detailed by the builder according to their own requirements. The more ambitious builder may spot opportunities for customisation or modification, or even perhaps combining kits to create a larger building
The photographs show examples of the parts that you will receive and a painted test build which illustrates how a finished model could look.
The finished building from a single kit has a footprint of approx. 130mm x 80mm
Concrete Hut Kit (BK19)
Please note
Kits and accessories may contain small parts and are for adult use only.